论文概览 |《Urban Analytics and City Science》2023.10 Vol.50 Issue.8

news/2025/2/22 19:01:01

本次给大家整理的是《Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science》杂志2023年10月第50卷第8期的论文的题目和摘要,一共包括21篇SCI论文!


Advances in geospatial approaches to transport networks and sustainable mobility



Transport plays a pivotal role within urban environments, shaping the capacity for the efficient and resilient movement of people and goods. In doing so, it influences the economic productivity and environmental sustainability of cities. The intricate relationship between the spatial distribution of various land uses and the transport modes employed is a defining factor in a city's economic functionality, as already recognised long ago (Von Thünen, 1826). Nevertheless, this intricate interaction has posed formidable challenges to resolve, given that transport also gives rise to issues such as congestion, pollution, inequality, and dependence on fossil fuels. Addressing these challenges and seeking more sustainable solutions necessitates the collaboration of diverse disciplines. Geographers, engineers, physicists, planners, social scientists, data scientists, and others must come together to optimise transport and mobility systems while carefully considering their societal and environmental implications. Overall, the aim of this special issue was to bring together this diverse range of disciplines and present some of the recent advances in geospatial approaches for studying transport networks and sustainable mobility.











A multi-city study on structural characteristics of bicycle networks



Bicycle networks are made up of different types of infrastructure for cars, bikes and mixed use, which has resulted in various definitions being used to describe them. However, it’s crucial to bring these definitions together to understand the structural differences among them and the impact of choices and investments in bike infrastructure. This study examines different definitions of bicycle networks in 47 cities, analysing scaling effects and various network metrics for four different definitions. Understanding structural characteristics of different bicycle networks definitions contributes to the body of knowledge necessary for design interventions by policymakers.






朱丽娅·雷吉亚尼是可持续发展和去碳化领域的高级分析师,为私人和政府各方工作。她在代尔夫特理工大学交通与规划系完成了博士研究,是阿尔戈洛 ERC 项目的一部分。她在罗马的 la Sapienza 大学完成了工程学士和硕士学习,研究重点是全球自行车网络的架构特性以及用于评估骑行便利性的数据驱动方法。她目前的兴趣广泛涉及智能出行、数据分析、可持续性和复杂网络等领域。



塞尔吉·霍根杜恩于2006年被任命为安东尼·范列文霍克教授(Traffic Operations and Management),自2018年以来担任交通与规划系主任。他是目前(五位之一)的代尔夫特理工大学智能城市交通杰出教授。他在高级都市解决方案研究所担任流动性(Mobility)课题负责人。他的当前研究主要围绕智能城市交通,聚焦于以下领域:i)交通和运输网络的原理、建模和仿真,包括汽车、行人、骑行者和新型公共交通服务;ii)这些网络综合管理方法的发展;iii)出行行为和网络运营的不确定性影响;iv)ICT对网络流量运营、稳健性和恢复力的影响;v)城市数据及其应用。


Multimodal urban mobility and multilayer transport networks



Transportation networks, from bicycle paths to buses and railways, are the backbone of urban mobility. In large metropolitan areas, the integration of different transport modes has become crucial to guarantee the fast and sustainable flow of people. Using a network science approach, multimodal transport systems can be described as multilayer networks, where the networks associated to different transport modes are not considered in isolation, but as a set of interconnected layers. Despite the importance of multimodality in modern cities, a unified view of the topic is currently missing. Here, we provide a comprehensive overview of the emerging research areas of multilayer transport networks and multimodal urban mobility, focusing on contributions from the interdisciplinary fields of complex systems, urban data science, and science of cities. First, we present an introduction to the mathematical framework of multilayer networks. We apply it to survey models of multimodal infrastructures, as well as measures used for quantifying multimodality, and related empirical findings. We review modeling approaches and observational evidence in multimodal mobility and public transport system dynamics, focusing on integrated real-world mobility patterns, where individuals navigate urban systems using different transport modes. We then provide a survey of freely available datasets on multimodal infrastructure and mobility, and a list of open-source tools for their analyses. Finally, we conclude with an outlook on open research questions and promising directions for future research.












The geography of public transport competitiveness in thirteen medium sized cities



Securing sufficient accessibility with public transport is essential for reducing private car commuting. While most studies of transport accessibility are based on travel times, other quality factors such as the perceived disadvantage of congestion and service frequency are also of importance for transport mode choice. In this study, we use generalized journey times to calculate accessibility and public transport competitiveness, allowing us to account for other characteristics of commute trips than just travel time. We use detailed trip data to calculate generalized journey times to typical employment areas in thirteen urban regions in Norway. The results show that public transport services compete better with the car in the largest cities. Specifically, public transport is competitive for access to central employment areas but less so for less central employment areas. In the smaller cities, the private car is the most competitive mode on most commute trips. With detailed travel data, the method developed in this study can be replicated in other contexts to provide a more holistic measure of accessibility than traditional methods.






埃里克·B·伦克(Erik B Lunke),挪威奥斯陆运输经济研究所(TØI)研究员;

尼尔·费恩利(Nils Fearnley),挪威奥斯陆运输经济研究所(TØI)研究员;

乔根·阿哈乌(Jørgen Aarhaug),挪威奥斯陆运输经济研究所(TØI)研究员。


Data-driven micromobility network planning for demand and safety



Developing safe infrastructure for micromobility like bicycles or e-scooters is an efficient pathway towards climate-friendly, sustainable, and livable cities. However, urban micromobility infrastructure is typically planned ad-hoc and at best informed by survey data. Here, we study how data of micromobility trips and crashes can shape and automatize such network planning processes. We introduce a parameter that tunes the focus between demand-based and safety-based development, and investigate systematically this tradeoff for the city of Turin. We find that a full focus on demand or safety generates different network extensions in the short term, with an optimal tradeoff in-between. In the long term, our framework improves overall network quality independent of short-term focus. Thus, we show how a data-driven process can provide urban planners with automated assistance for variable short-term scenario planning while maintaining the long-term goal of a sustainable, city-spanning micromobility network.






皮特罗·佛尔科是一名初级数据科学研究研究员,他刚刚结束了由拉格朗日应用研究计划(Lagrange Applied Research Program)在ISI基金会资助的一年研究员职位。在都灵大学,他获得了物理学学士学位和复杂系统物理学硕士学位,他的硕士论文题目是“用于预测和综合特征选择的深度学习方法”。2021年5月,他开始在ISI基金会工作,在那里他从事社会影响力数据科学的应用研究。他的科学兴趣主要在于城市数据科学、机器学习以及数据可视化。





Connected bikeability in London: Which localities are better connected by bike and does this matter?



Bikeability, the extent to which a route network enables cycling for everyday travel, is a frequently cited theme for increasing and diversifying cycling uptake and therefore one that attracts much research attention. Indexes designed to quantify bikeability typically generate a single bikeability value for a single locality. Important to transport planners making and evaluating infrastructure decisions, however, is how well-connected by bike are pairs of localities. For this, it is necessary to estimate the bikeability of plausible routes connecting different parts of a city. We approximate routes for all origin-destination trips cycled in the London Cycle Hire Scheme for 2018 and estimate the bikeability of each route, linking to the newly released London Cycle Infrastructure Database. We then divide the area of inner London covered by the bikeshare scheme into ‘villages’ and profile how bikeability varies for trips connecting those villages – we call this connected bikeability. Our bikeability scores vary geographically with certain localities in London better connected by bike than others. A key finding is that higher levels of connected bikeability are conferred to origin-destination village pairs of strategic importance, aligning with the stated ambition of recent cycling infrastructure interventions. The geography of connected bikeability maps to the commuting needs of London’s workers and we find some evidence that connected bikeability has a positive association with observed cycling activity, especially so when studying patterns of cycling to job-rich villages.











A barrier too far: Understanding the role of intersection crossing distance on bicycle rider behavior in Chicago



For a variety of environmental, health, and social reasons, there is a pressing need to reduce the automobile dependence of American cities. Bicycles are well suited to help achieve this goal. However, perceptions of rider safety present a large hindrance toward increased bicycle adoption. These perceptions are largely influenced by the design of our current road infrastructure, including the crossing distances of large intersections. In this paper, we examine the role of intersection crossing distances in modifying rider behavior through the construction of a novel dataset integrating street widths and probable trip routes from Chicago’s Divvy bikeshare system. We compare real trips to synthetic trips that are not influenced by the width of intersections and exploit behavior differences that result from the semi-dockless nature of the bikeshare system. Our analysis reveals that bikeshare riders do avoid large intersections in limited circumstances; however, these preferences appear to be heavily outweighed by the relative spatial positions of origins and destinations (i.e., the urban morphology of Chicago). Our results suggest that specific infrastructural investments such as protected intersections could prove feasible alternatives to reduce the perception and safety concerns associated with large road barriers and enhance the attractiveness of non-motorized mobility.










Road infrastructures, spatial surroundings, and the demand and route choices for cycling: Evidence from a GPS-based mode detection study from Oslo, Norway



To achieve a higher cycling uptake, it is essential for planners to know what kind of cycling infrastructure to plan and where, that is, through which types of urban environments. In this paper, we provide a deeper understanding of cycling demand and cycling route choices and infer insights into cyclists’ latent preferences and dispreferences concerning both infrastructure attributes and the spatial characteristics of route surroundings. Hereto, this study has collected, map-matched, geovisualized, and examined a unique GPS-based database with over 25,915 cycling trips in Oslo, Norway. Our findings reveal that cyclists substantially deviate from shortest paths, covering 59% more distance on average. Higher cycling frequencies, both in absolute terms and relative to shortest-path-expected-values, can be found on route sections that have some form of cycling infrastructure, especially those having segregated bicycle highways and bike roads. We also find higher demand and route choices for flatter and water-facing routes, as well as routes less disrupted by crossings and away from highway environments. In contrast, routes surrounded by green space or high population density, despite having high demand in absolute terms, are cycled less than expected based on shortest paths. The paper concludes by reflecting on the significance, limitations, and implications of our findings and novel methodological approaches for the bicycle route choice theory and practice moving forward.







Lars Böckers是挪威交通经济研究所和奥斯陆大学的首席研究地理学家,拥有乌特勒支大学人文地理学博士学位。他定期在排名较高的同行评审科学期刊上发表有关与旅行、健康和可持续行为相关的主题的论文,以及关于移动公正、无障碍、智能城市和可持续城市规划的论文。他还讲授、监督和研究这些问题的研究项目。

Christian Weber在德国维尔茨堡的路德维希·马克西米利安斯大学学习物理,具有丰富的实验设计、数值模拟和高级数据分析经验。Christian Weber在项目工作和指导学生方面有数年的经验。最近,大规模地理空间数据的生成和分析及其在交通研究中的应用是他的主要关注领域之一。


Neighbourhood-level pedestrian navigation using the construal level theory



Pedestrian navigation decisions take place simultaneously at multiple spatial scales. Yet most models of pedestrian behaviour focus either on local physical interactions or optimisation of routes across a road network. We present a novel hierarchical pedestrian route choice framework that integrates dynamic, perceptual decisions at the street level with abstract, network-based decisions at the neighbourhood level. The framework is based on construal level theory which states that decision makers construe decisions based on their psychological distance from the object of the decision. We implement this route choice framework in a spatial agent-based model in which pedestrian and vehicle agents complete trips in an urban environment. Using global sensitivity analysis techniques, we demonstrate the interaction between route choice components representing decision making at different spatial and temporal scales. Additionally, through comparison to a least cost network model, we demonstrate the increased route heterogeneity produced by this approach. This work could form the basis of an alternative method for producing pedestrian route alternatives. The granularity and scale of the modelled pedestrian trajectories could also help improve appraisals of street infrastructure.









A navigability entropy model for street networks



In this paper, we propose novel local and global models of street network entropy that measure levels of navigability given only limited local directional information. These models are defined for individual locations and entire street networks. Both models are derived using a generalised model of entropy from the field of game theory, which considers a decision-maker attempting to perform a task in the presence of incomplete information. We argue that the proposed models are more interpretable and useful than existing models of street network entropy since they measure the uncertainty of navigation, which is the task street networks are intended to facilitate. We demonstrate this utility by performing an empirical analysis of the entropy properties of UK city street networks.









Half-(head)way there: Comparing two methods to account for public transport waiting time in accessibility indicators



Various methods have been developed to account for travel time variability and uncertainty when analyzing public transport networks and computing related accessibility indicators. In this paper, we establish some convergence characteristics of one such method, implemented in the R5 routing engine, yielding guidelines for the minimum number of randomized schedules. This parameter has implications for result stability, analysis turnaround time, and computation costs. We also confirm that for travel time and accessibility results, there are spatially varying differences between our method and the conventional method relying on the assumption of half-headway waiting times. The conventional method appears to understate the benefits of transit in certain locations, particularly those served by multiple lines. Researchers and planning practitioners may find the R5 method preferable when analyzing complex networks or comparing transit scenarios where routes are specified in terms of headways or frequencies, rather than complete schedules with exact departure times for each trip.






安森·F·斯特拉斯顿(Anson F. Stewart)是Conveyal LLC分析和研究项目负责人,与致力于实施以机会获取为中心的创新方法的运输专业人士密切合作。在麻省理工学院担任研究员期间,他也与各种公共交通当局合作,完成了博士和硕士学位,现在是麻省理工学院JTL城市交通/公交实验室的副主管。

安德鲁·M·伯德(Andrew M. Byrd)是Conveyal LLC的联合创始人,该公司为土地利用和运输规划创建了工具,也是相关开源软件组件的架构、算法和治理的主要贡献者。他拥有巴黎规划学院和巴黎工学院桥梁的硕士学位。


Examining the geometry of streets through accessibility: new insights from streetspace allocation analysis



This paper describes streetspace allocation analysis, a method that uses street cross-sections to measure footway and carriageway widths and quantify a key parameter of street design citywide. The resulting network-based streetspace allocation metrics are employed on a proof-of-concept study of train station service areas in London, applying shortest-path analysis under a place and walking prioritisation approach. Overall, streetspace allocation statistics for London confirm the citywide predominance of space allocated for vehicular transport over pedestrian uses. A comparison of the current distribution and proposed re-allocation of streetspace on streets near stations allows for the investigation of the effects of streetspace enhancements, which tend to be beneficial in reducing pedestrian movement impedance and extending service areas. The methods presented here can offer valuable analytical capacity for developing new transit-oriented schemes and designing place-based streets that support sustainable transport and sustainable urban development.







邓肯·史密斯是伦敦大学学院高级空间分析中心的地理信息系统和可视化讲师,也是解决项目(ESRC RESOLUTION)的联合研究员,该项目研究伦敦和圣保罗的交通不平等问题。此外,他还是空间数据科学和可视化硕士和博士课程的课程主管。在高级空间分析中心的一系列研究项目中,邓肯重点关注城市建模应用,并与大伦敦政府合作,为规划分析提供空间建模支持。


Exploiting COVID-19 related traffic changes to evaluate flow dependency of an FCD-defined congestion measure



Traffic congestion poses a significant problem in urban areas globally, and yet no measure of congestion is universally applied. Various studies have evaluated congestion measures, however, none have identified and demonstrated a best-practice congestion metric that can compare congestion between road segments, networks, and city zones. Furthermore, no studies have proven the link between a congestion metric and traffic flow, despite suggestion by Lomax et al. in their seminal 1997 Quantifying Congestion report that an appropriate congestion metric should vary predictably according to flow. This paper aims to address these gaps in traffic congestion literature. Various congestion measures are evaluated according to standard criteria. Although this process has been followed before, this paper adds a unique criterion that requires congestion to be quantifiable from commercial floating car data (FCD), due to its extensive availability and relative affordability. The most appropriate congestion measure is evaluated to be the speed reduction index (SRI). The application of the SRI to describe spatiotemporal congestion patterns and flow dependency is then demonstrated in a case-study analysis in South Africa. This analysis exploited traffic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 (particularly, the stepwise increase from severely reduced traffic flows as lockdown levels eased), to evaluate SRI. The wide range of flows enabled an unprecedented regression analysis comparing congestion level and flow. The results of the regression analysis are highly significant (p < 0.001) indicating that SRI-based congestion measurement tracks flow variation. This study further identified that unidirectional congestion, quantified by the SRI, is impacted by high bi-directional flow along arterials. These findings confirm the appropriateness of the SRI quantified from commercial FCD to measure congestion.









Explaining a century of Swiss regional development by deep learning and SHAP values



We use a graph convolutional neural network (GCN) for regional development prediction with population, railway network density, and road network density of each municipality as development indicators. By structuring the long-term time series data from 2833 municipalities in Switzerland during the years 1910–2000 as graphs over time, the GCN model interprets the indicators as node features and produces an acceptable prediction accuracy on their future values. Moreover, SHapley Additive exPlanations (SHAPs) are used to make the results of this approach explainable. We develop an algorithm to obtain SHAP values for the GCN and a sensitivity indicator to quantify the marginal contributions of the node features. This explainable GCN with SHAP decomposes the indicator into the contribution by the previous status of the municipality itself and the influence from other municipalities. We show that this provides valuable insights into understanding the history of regional development. Specifically, the results demonstrate that the impacts of geographical and economic constraints and urban sprawl on regional development vary significantly between municipalities and that the constraints are more important in the early 20th century. The model is able to include more information and can be applied to other regions and countries.






Youxi Lai,曾在京都大学攻读学士和硕士学位。她毕业于土木工程国际课程。这部分工作构成了她在智能交通系统实验室的硕士论文的基础。她现在在日立公司工作。构建系统业务单元。


Infrastructures connecting people: A mechanistic model for terrestrial transportation networks



Terrestrial Transportation Infrastructures (TTIs) are shaped by both socio-political and geographical factors, hence encoding crucial information about how resources and power are distributed through a territory. Therefore, analysing the structure of pathway, railway or road networks allows us to gain a better understanding of the political and social organization of the communities that created and maintained them. Network science can provide extremely useful tools to address quantitatively this issue. Here, focussing on passengers transport, we propose a methodology to shed light on the processes and forces that moulded transportation infrastructures into their current configuration, without having to rely on any additional information besides the topology of the network and the distribution of the population. Our approach is based on a simple mechanistic model that implements a wide spectrum of decision-making mechanisms (representing different power distributions) which could have driven the growth of a TTI. Thus, by adjusting a few model parameters, it is possible to generate several synthetic transportation networks, and compare across them and against the empirical system under study. An illustrative case study (i.e. the railway system in Catalonia, a region in Spain) is also provided to showcase the application of the proposed methodology. Our preliminary results highlight the potential of our approach, thus calling for further research.











Modeling land-use change using partitioned vector cellular automata while considering urban spatial structure



While many published studies have explored the impact of spatial heterogeneity on land-use change, few have focused on regional differences in land-use transition rules caused by urban spatial structure. In this paper, we measured urban land-use diversity by developing self-adaptive kernel density estimation and entropy weight methods and determine the urban spatial structure (composed of urban regions, inner and outer urban-rural fringes, and a rural hinterland) by applying a spectral clustering method. Combining local neighborhood effects and environmental effects, the land-use transition rules of different types of regions were mined to construct a partitioned vector cellular automata (CA) model that zonally simulates urban land-use change. The proposed model was applied to the simulation of the land-use change process in Jiangyin City, China, from 2007 to 2017. The resulting simulation accuracy was higher than that of other well-accepted CA models that do not consider urban spatial structure, and the conventional neighborhood assimilation rule was found not to be applicable to the conversion of construction land. The results and findings demonstrate that the proposed model is an effective means for urban planners to simulate and analyze urban evolution processes of cities with urban spatial structures that fit a concentric circle model.


许多已发表的研究探讨了空间异质性对土地利用变化的影响,但很少有研究关注城市空间结构导致的土地利用过渡规律的区域差异。本文采用自适应核密度估计和熵权法测量城市土地利用多样性,采用谱聚类方法确定城市空间结构(由城市区域、城乡内外边缘和农村腹地组成)。结合局部邻域效应和环境效应,挖掘不同类型区域的土地利用过渡规律,构建分区的矢量元胞自动机(CA)模型,对城市土地利用变化进行地带性模拟。应用该模型对江阴市2007 - 2017年土地利用变化过程进行了模拟。结果表明,该模型的模拟精度高于其他未考虑城市空间结构的CA模型,并且发现传统的邻里同化规则不适用于建设用地的转换。结果表明,该模型是城市规划者模拟和分析城市空间结构符合同心圆模型的城市演化过程的有效手段。




Jing Yang,南京邮电大学地理与生物信息学院讲师。她的研究专长是地理信息系统、城市信息学和城市模拟建模。


Analyzing the age-friendliness of the urban environment using computer vision methods



The accelerated growth of cities and urban populations over recent decades and the complexity and diversity of urban areas demands proficient spatial affordance assessment especially for the vulnerable sections of the society. Lately machine learning and computer vision models have become highly competent in analyzing urban images for assessing the built environment. This study harnesses the potential of computer vision techniques to assess the age-friendliness of urban areas. The developed machine learning model utilizes Google’s Street View images and is trained using lived experience-based image ratings provided by elderly participants. Newly assigned urban images are accordingly rated for their level of age-friendliness by the model with an accuracy of 85%. This paper elaborates upon the associated literature review, explains the data collection approach and the developed machine learning model. The success of the implementation is also demonstrated, confirming the validity of the proposed methodology.







Nimish Biloria是悉尼科技大学设计、建筑与建筑结构学院的副教授,也是南非约翰内斯堡大学的访问副教授。他的研究领域是情感环境,涉及人类与环境的互动研究。在这个研究领域,他在领导跨尺度的多元跨学科项目方面积累了丰富的经验和设计能力,这些项目涵盖了建筑、产品创新、智能城市、城市信息学和空间数据科学、可持续交通、社会机器人学、实质性和嵌入式交互等领域,主要致力于增强城市健康和福祉。

Mukesh Prasad是悉尼科技大学工程与IT学院计算机科学学院的一名高级讲师。他对机器学习、人工智能和物联网领域做出了重大贡献。Mukesh的研究兴趣包括大数据、计算机视觉、脑机接口和进化计算。他还致力于不断发展中的图像处理、数据分析和边缘计算领域,这些领域有望为医疗保健、生物医学、农业、智能城市、教育、营销和金融等领域新应用和服务的演进铺平道路。


Synthetic population Catalyst: A micro-simulated population of England with circadian activities



The Synthetic Population Catalyst (SPC) is an open-source tool for the simulation of populations. Building on previous efforts, synthetic populations can be created for any area in England, from a small geographical unit to the entire country, and linked to geolocalised daily activities. In contrast to most transport models, the output is focussed on the population itself and the way people socially interact together, rather than on a precise modelling of the volume of transport trips from one area to another. SPC is therefore particularly well suited, for example, to study the spread of a pandemic within a population. Other applications include identifying segregation patterns and potential causes of inequality of opportunity amongst individuals. It is fast, thanks to its Rust codebase. The outputs for each lieutenancy area in England are directly available without having to run the code.










Spatial and temporal access to warm spaces during the winter of 2022/2023

【摘要】It is estimated that over half a million people visited one network of ‘warm rooms’ during the winter of 2022 in the UK, a figure that may rise to 2.5 million people if other networks are considered. As well as offering a means to try to limit exposure to cold temperatures and reduce household energy costs, these winter warm hubs also address wider concerns such as social isolation, loneliness and mental well-being as the cost-of-living bites. This graphic demonstrates how geospatial approaches can be used to explore access via public transport and walking to a network of warm spaces in the capital city of Cardiff, Wales. By accounting for site opening times in relation to existing bus timetables for those for whom walking may not be an option, we illustrate how such information can be included in three commonly applied access measures (floating catchment area, cumulative opportunity and shortest distance) to highlight potential spatio-temporal gaps in provision across the city.



Geo-visualizing the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on students’ learning outcomes: Evidence from grade 5 students



The COVID-19 pandemic has exerted unprecedented impacts on school education. Despite improvements in school enrolment numbers, students’ performance on learning outcomes lagged, especially in low- and middle-income countries. This study visualizes the geographical disparity in student learning outcomes across various Indian districts pre- and post-COVID-19 pandemic. The map visualizes that only a sample of districts in a few Indian states enlarged students’ learning outcomes in proportion to the number of children. Furthermore, the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic weaken students' learning outcomes at the district level. This knowledge is essential for the policymakers to implement the most effective monitoring systems and strategies for improving the student’s learning outcomes.






Sugam Agarwal是印度理工学院Ropar分校人文社会科学系的研究学者。自2018年以来,他一直在印度理工学院Ropar积极从事对本科生讲授管理学经济学、应用计量经济学、国际经济学和金融学以及计量经济学。他的研究兴趣包括经济地理和城市经济学、城市和空间溢出效应、空间建模、集聚经济、城市研究以及印度的城市中心问题。

Smruti Ranjan Behera博士毕业于印度德里经济学院,自2013年3月起在印度理工学院Ropar分校人文社会科学系工作。自2019年12月起,他在印度理工学院Ropar担任助理教授(经济学)。他的研究兴趣包括集聚和城市经济学、FDI和技术溢出效应、区域溢出、创新经济学、开放经济宏观经济学、时间序列和微观计量经济学、空间计量经济学和面板数据计量经济学。


The geographic visualization of financial inclusion and exclusion in Mexican municipalities



In this paper, we present a gridded population cartogram illustrating a recently constructed financial inclusion index for Mexico 2020 (Dircio-Palacios-Macedo et al., 2023). Its importance relies in that it allows us to identify the municipalities with different levels of financial inclusion in a geographical disaggregated manner, which can be used for the ultimate goal of relevant policy analysis.






玛丽亚·德尔卡门·迪尔西科-帕拉西奥是一位墨西哥经济学家,专门研究反垄断政策、市场分析和经济发展。她拥有墨西哥Universidad de las Américas Puebla(UDLAP)的经济学学位,墨西哥Universidad Popular Autónoma de Puebla(UPAEP)的应用经济学硕士学位和西班牙Jaume I大学(UJI)的经济学硕士学位。她曾担任墨西哥联邦经济竞争委员会经济研究总局地区主任。她是一名反垄断问题的独立顾问。她目前是UJI的经济和商业学博士研究生。



埃米利·托尔多斯-阿辛纳拥有瓦伦西亚大学的经济学学位和Jaume I大学的博士学位。他目前是该大学经济系的终身教授。他大部分的研究都是在几个由各种国内和国际机构资助的项目框架内进行的。他的研究成果已在著名期刊上发表,如《经济地理》、《环境与规划A》、《区域研究》、《区域科学论文》、《区域科学论文集》、《增长与变化》、《年鉴区域科学》等。




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